Oatmeal Joey Arnold
News • Politics • Writing

Chuck Norris is in Agent Recon where aliens kill him and then his brain is stuck in an AI robot that looks just like Chuck Norris. Stop sending me DMs and friend requests, 124 is too big, I'm ghosting this place, I'm not gonna be here in the Oatmeal World Discord Server at all via alts or in spirit until we meet the Oatmeal Demands or until 2025, my DMs and everything is closed until then, weirdos have taken over this server, if only normal people could join this server to balance out the weirdness of all the freaks and trolls who come here only to scare away the very people who should be here, often times the people that should be here aren't and the ones who shouldn't be here are, what an Oatmeal Paradox.

The witches in Star Wars Acolyte could be mega grandparents of Darth Maul who came from witches.

Vacuum. Videos: The Chosen, Season 4 Spoiler Review, Life of Christ. Watched: Channel Serfer - The Death of Touchstone Pictures, Chuck Norris as a robot fighting aliens in 2024 Agent Recon, Criminal Minds 1415-1502, Friday Night Tights


Screenshot at 2024-06-22 21-55-54.png

World History

Oatmeal Daily - 2024-06-22 - Saturday | Published in June of 2024


Screenshot at 2024-06-01 04-24-28 Discord 1340 Oatmeal.png

01:49 AM
The Chosen, Season 4 Spoiler Review, Life of Christ


INFOWARS BANNER - dUIaa.caa.1-Infowars-qoc09f.jpeg

Twitter Tweets

12:19 AM

Chuck Norris is in Agent Recon where aliens kill him and then his brain is stuck in an AI robot that looks just like Chuck Norris.

Discord Demands

2024-06-22 - Saturday - 06:11 PM - Discord Log

Stop sending me DMs and friend requests, 124 is too big, I'm ghosting this place, I'm not gonna be here in the Oatmeal World Discord Server at all via alts or in spirit until we meet the Oatmeal Demands or until 2025, my DMs and everything is closed until then, weirdos have taken over this server, if only normal people could join this server to balance out the weirdness of all the freaks and trolls who come here only to scare away the very people who should be here, often times the people that should be here aren't and the ones who shouldn't be here are, what an Oatmeal Paradox.


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2013-11-17 - Sunday - HOLA FAV - Got Talent 2 - 1456791_536788599749435_806329642_n.jpg
My Adventure in Vietnam

Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

Agent Recon

2024-06-22 - Saturday - 02:00 AM - Agent Recon, Chuck Norris Movie, 2024

Good story. Aliens on earth for 500,000 years. Similar to Cylons in Battle Star Galactica. Good to see Chuck Norris. I only watched a few minutes of this movie but looks good. A covert military task force tracks a mysterious energy disturbance at a secret base in New Mexico that is suspected of experimenting on alien technology. Once there, the team encounters an unknown being of extraordinary strength and speed, and the ability to control an army of mindless warriors. The trio must fight through the unstoppable hordes to prevent humanity's demise.

Criminal Minds 1415-1502

2024-06-22 - Saturday - 02:28 AM - Criminal Minds 1415-1501

Puppet master killing by proxy. Judge. Bank. JJ said she loves Spencer which is true. She tried taking her words back but he knew better. David got married. It was good. Spencer says he does not know how to live without his mom who got better for now but they say she may lose her mind again. JJ is recovering but loves her husband and sons too.

Here is a list of what I'm watching

01:26 AM
Channel Serfer - The Death of Touchstone Pictures

Agent Recon

2024-06-22 - Saturday - 02:00 AM - Agent Recon, Chuck Norris Movie, 2024

Criminal Minds 1415-1502

2024-06-22 - Saturday - 02:28 AM - Criminal Minds 1415-1502

12:31 AM
Nerdrotic - ACOLYTE: DISCOURSE! Fan Attacks, Shills Cry, Ratings CRASH | Friday Night Tights 307, Little Platoon

08:18 PM
Red Letter Media - Popeye - re:Visit

Timestamps generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted. Welcome to Oatmeal Daily with your host, me, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, each day, I publish/syndicate these entries/posts/articles/web pages/stories/etc, to websites/blockchain/social media/email/etc. This is mostly a personal blog/vlog/diary/journal/autobiography/outline/news. I teach class sometimes at night. However, some of this may be useful, applicable, inspirational, educational, entertaining, etc. Boring/mundane daily template log. I've included my watch log near the bottom of this post listing some of the videos I've viewed. At the very bottom are some of my favorite links worth sharing. I got up at 11:40 AM. Sunny. Vacuum. 3 stakes for garden cages connected. Breakfast, 12:24 PM. Lunch, 01:12 PM. Weeding, raspberry and squash beds, shovel, rake, string for side backyard plants, watering, dishes, back here at 05:30 PM. Dinner, 05:55 PM. Weed around burn pile by squash bed. Shower, 07:30 PM. Trash out. She reminded me of when I was a kid. Bike riding. Down that dirt road as I was taking out the trash. Into my room with second cup of tea at 08:17 PM. Food log: Breakfast: coffee, small orange, 12:24 PM. Lunch: last of the boiled eggs in a jar salad, 01:12 PM. Dinner: tea, beef potatoes beans soup, 05:55 PM. Peppermint tea, 08:17 PM. ChinhPham0356: Son Class 0187: 2024-05-22 - Saturday - 10:28 PM. 1. Pages 155-158, She Was Not Amused, The Channel Tunnel. First story was about a wedding. Suggest. Chimney. Drew back. Escape Root. Shrinking Violet. Shrink. Double means two times bigger and quintuple means five times, quint means five. Quadruple means four times, quad means four. Cold Snapdragon. Grapeshot.

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Top 24 people in my Oatmeal World Discord Server get hours named after them, they get to pretend to be owners of my server. It's a game in that people can fight over ruling over each hour of every hour. Runner-ups can be vice-presidents of hours.

Rick Trip ended. They left. I put a dresser into the book shed. Videos: Made a how to turn a dresser into a shelf video for TikTok. Watched: Tulsa King 201-202, ACLJ - BREAKING: Jack Smith Brings Unseen Evidence Against Trump, RSBN - LIVE: President Trump Gives Remarks in Walker, Michigan - 9/27/2, SHOCK Report PROVES Trump Right, 15,000 Migrant MURDERERS AT LARGE w/Riley Moore | Timcast IRL


Screenshot at 2024-09-27 02-01-02.png
Tulsa King

Oatmeal Daily - 2024-09-27 - Friday | Published in September of 2024


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Join My Discord Server

In a world of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.


INFOWARS BANNER - dUIaa.caa.1-Infowars-qoc09f.jpeg

Discord Drama

2024-09-27 - Friday - 01:17 PM - Discord Log

You can demote Boar @ gravemansteven for removing the europe role from @ 5xurcist.

02:05 PM
Pick up a shift, there are 4 main shifts each day. Type 1 for morning shift, 2 for noon shift, 3 for evening shift, 4 for night shift, contact @shift jesus or the @GODS for more information


  1. @morning shift shift is 06:00 AM - 12:00 PM PST
  2. @noon shift t is 12:00 PM - 06:00 PM PST
  3. @evening shift shift is 06:00 PM - 12:00 AM PST
    $. @midnight shift shift is 12:00 AM - 06:00 PM PST

But these 6-hour shifts can be broken up into even smaller shifts. We can have as many shifts as there are people to fill them whether they be 24-hour shifts, 12-hour shifts, 6-hour shifts, 3-hour shifts, 1-hour shifts, 1 -minute shifts, 1-second shifts, daily shifts, weekly shifts, monthly shifts, yearly shifts, decade shifts, random shifts. We can have multiple people per shift or multiple shifts per person. Report to your shift leaders who in turn can report to leaders above them and so on and so forth.

04:56 PM
@ therealwindfall, not exactly, i say many things like a puzzle and you got to figure out what i mean, i was trying to get rid of bad gods and promote good @ GODS meaning you did not have to demote good gods as in the best of the best do not have to be demoted if they are the best of the best but the problem is most people are not the best of the best and it is easier to assume most people suck because most people do suck.
06:47 PM
Who wants their own hour? First 24 people to pick shifts and an hour might get their own hour. Ask @ shift jesus about what the shifts are all about and then pick a shift. Then pick a number from 1-24 to request which hour you want according to the PST time zone.

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2013-11-17 - Sunday - HOLA FAV - Got Talent 2 - 1456791_536788599749435_806329642_n.jpg
My Adventure in Vietnam

Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

Tulsa King 201-202

2024-09-27 - Friday - 12:12 AM - Tulsa King 201-202

Getting out of jail. His daughter bails him out. Singer. Loans. Cars. Deals. Court. Man from Suits. Sister.

Here is a list of what I'm watching

Tulsa King 201-202

2024-09-27 - Friday - 12:12 AM - Tulsa King 201-202

09:16 AM
ACLJ - BREAKING: Jack Smith Brings Unseen Evidence Against Trump

12:53 PM
RSBN - LIVE: President Trump Gives Remarks in Walker, Michigan - 9/27/24

05:15 PM
SHOCK Report PROVES Trump Right, 15,000 Migrant MURDERERS AT LARGE w/Riley Moore | Timcast IRL

Timestamps generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted. Welcome to myOatmeal Daily which is generally posted & syndicated daily by me, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, feel free to mirror, edit, clip, reupload my content. For more information, see some of the links on this page or you can try to Google search or look me up using keywords like Oatmeal Joey Arnold @ joeyarnoldvn and other keywords. Try using different combinations of words in search engines for better results. Bed 2AM. Light headache, probably too cold during the day and at night. I got up at 09:00 AM. Breakfast: 09:17 AM. Rick and Maria left around 09:50 AM. I said goodbye. Made a few photos and videos. After that, I put that dresser from the big garage which was in the garden shed into the Tom Taylor book shed. I was done around noon or after that. Made a how to turn a dresser into a shelf video for TikTok. Lunch: 01:00 PM. Dishes. Dinner: 05:16 PM. Food log: Breakfast: orange, banana, 09:17 AM. Lunch: coffee, beans broccoli beef stew soup, 01:00 PM. Dinner: more of the lunch food, 05:16 PM. ChinhPham0384: Son Class 0210: 2024-09-27 - Friday - 10:28 PM. 1. Pages 22-23: Smash and Grab. Ashtray. Witnessed. Antique is special and old. Passer. Toilet 77-3. Inadequate means not good enough. Grazed. Wimpy Kid, book 2, pages 1-25 before Wednesday. Swimming. Summer. Bullets. Improved. Cars. Vans. Music. Algebra. Rowley travels to countries in the summer with family like each year.

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Night versus day teams or shifts in the Oatmeal World Discord Server, let the games begin. Take things a step at a time. Learn to be calm in the heat of the battle and everything.

Driving. Lakes. Headache. Watched: Megyn Kelly - Polls Shift Toward Trump, and How Dems Abandoned Their Voters, w/ Nicole Shanahan, Cooke, & Geraghty, Steven Crowder - MASSIVE FACT CHECK: Kamala's First Solo Interview - Word Salad & Lies, end of the Alex Jones Infowars is to be in November 2024, Timcast News - Alex Jones’ InfoWars Will Be SHUT DOWN, Judge Says AUCTION NOW, Woke Journalist LEAKS HACKED JD Vance Dossier, Hacked By Iran w/Oli London | Timcast IRL


Screenshot at 2024-09-26 09-21-43.png
Melania Trump and her new book

Oatmeal Daily - 2024-09-26 - Thursday | Published in September of 2024


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Join My Discord Server

In a world of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.


INFOWARS BANNER - dUIaa.caa.1-Infowars-qoc09f.jpeg

Discord Drama

2024-09-26 - Thursday - 10:46 AM - Discord Log

Gods, demote anybody who has not shown their birth certificates to prove their age. Did you know if people figure out your last name, they might be able to figure out where you live? At least with public people, if they stab me in the back by nuking this server, I can find them and go after them and seek my revenge; it is a lot harder to go after not public people. 07:39 PM: @ yvule got the @ day shift. @ unc berry 宿儺 got the @ night shift. And you can delegate these 12 hour shifts into 6 hour shift or 3 hour shifts or 1 hour shifts or whatever else by giving more people these shifts, just divide up the hours. The four daily shift kings will report to the two shift gods each day. Day Shift, AKA North American Day Shift. @ bigspike808 is a day shift king.

Here are the four main daily shifts:

  1. Morning Shift
  2. Noon Shift
  3. Evening Shift
  4. Midnight Shift

Daily shifts:
Shift Jesus: @ tonka_bee
Day Shift: @ yvule
Morning Shift: @ bigspike808, @ cannonmanbob
Noon Shift: @ chlamydia0555

Night Shift: @ d1llberry
Evening Shift: @ sillymonkey1236
Midnight Shift: @ pussyslayer90001

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2013-11-17 - Sunday - HOLA FAV - Got Talent 2 - 1456791_536788599749435_806329642_n.jpg
My Adventure in Vietnam

Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc


Here is a list of what I'm watching

02:14 AM
Megyn Kelly - Polls Shift Toward Trump, and How Dems Abandoned Their Voters, w/ Nicole Shanahan, Cooke, & Geraghty

09:09 AM
Steven Crowder - MASSIVE FACT CHECK: Kamala's First Solo Interview - Word Salad & Lies

01:07 PM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [1 of 4] Thursday 9/26/24 • JAN 6 AND FBI OPERATIONS, News, Reports & Analysis • Infowars

06:27 PM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [FULL] Thursday 9/26/24 • The Globalist Deep State System Is Collapsing Before Our Eyes!

09:18 PM
Timcast News - Alex Jones’ InfoWars Will Be SHUT DOWN, Judge Says AUCTION NOW

09:21 PM
Woke Journalist LEAKS HACKED JD Vance Dossier, Hacked By Iran w/Oli London | Timcast IRL

Timestamps generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted. Welcome to myOatmeal Daily which is generally posted & syndicated daily by me, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, feel free to mirror, edit, clip, reupload my content. For more information, see some of the links on this page or you can try to Google search or look me up using keywords like Oatmeal Joey Arnold @ joeyarnoldvn and other keywords. Try using different combinations of words in search engines for better results. Bed like 04:00 AM. I got up at 09:00 AM. Breakfast: 09:09 AM. Drove mom and Rick to like a lake. We drove on country roads. We got lost for a second. We had to turn around to go back on a road. We had to turn around a second time in somebody's yard. We said hello to a fisher man. We were out around like 11:00 AM. I had trouble with reverse when parking. It is so sensitive. I made a few late turns. Back at 01:00 PM. I was driving around two hours or less. Lunch: 01:08 PM. Nap for like an hour or two. Drove Rick and mom to the lake after around 04:00 PM for around two hours. I drove towards the church on the hill as mom calls it. Her church was like going to buy it but then didn't. I ended up back on 101 to start over on our trip. We stopped at one spot at the lake. We went to another place. They thought I drove even better on my way home. Dinner: 06:25 PM. Food log: Breakfast: carrot theme fruit yogurt in a cup was delicious, 09:09 AM. Lunch: rice beans vegetables carrots soup was very good, 01:08 PM. Dinner: beef stew, 06:25 PM.

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Roseanne on Tucker Carlson Live. Safety is a valuable thing that should be sought after even in the mist of the rat race of life. You have to find a way to pace yourself even in the heat of the storm. It can be tough as things are moving around. It's critical to comfort others who may not see what you see. You may be in control but others may not know that.

Roseanne. Drove to Olympia. Capital Mall. Macy's. Best Buy. JC Penney. Saw the cinema. Thai restaurant. Arcade. Water place. Watched: Tucker Carlson - Alex Jones & Jack Posobiec: The Trump Bounty, Oprah & Diddy, and Why War Makes Kamala Happy, Dancing With the Stars' Celeb Reginald VelJohnson (Family Matters) Reveals If 'Die Hard' is a Christmas Movie, Tucker Carlson - Roseanne Barr: Gender Ideology, Why She Terrifies Hollywood, and Her Friendship With Trump


Screenshot at 2024-09-25 10-40-42.png
Father from Family Matters

Oatmeal Daily - 2024-09-25 - Wednesday | Published in September of 2024


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Join My Discord Server

In a world of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.


INFOWARS BANNER - dUIaa.caa.1-Infowars-qoc09f.jpeg

Discord Drama

2024-09-25 - Wednesday - 07:48 AM - Discord Log

I asked the @ GODS to do the Oatmeal Demands as documented in articles on my blogs and not even Darth Loner @ kwadd. has done all the demands, @ 2dwafflez is silly to say he does the wishes of Oatmeal because Oatmeal has many wishes, Waffle only picks and chooses to do only some of what Joey asks but Joey asks for many different things and I did NOT want weirdos to be gods but rather ONLY the best of the best. Waffle, go to all my websites and blogs, do all of my hundreds of demands and wishes and then I promote you back to @ GODS, since you, and I quote, "but its so much more fun to just listen to joey unconditionally" and since here is a big opportunity, good luck since you said you do it, then do it; but you actually do not do what I say; you only do whatever the Hell you feel like doing and pretend you were just doing what I told you to do while ignoring all the other things I told you to do; conclusion therefore is what you did in this server logically speaking then has nothing to do me and yet you continue to lie by saying you promote like 73 @ GODS because of me when really I said many things that contradicted themselves and you pretend not to see the contradictions which means you should probably be demoted to under admin. Who promoted @ d1llberry to @ Wizards and why did Berry promote @ 2dwafflez to @ GODS even as Waffle is waffling out as a maniac who lies about doing what I say while ignoring other things I said to do? I don't know what role @m agnus6699 should have, @ GODS can debate that, ultimately everybody can give people whatever roles they want but Magnus was hating on me on TikTok for months. Gods, @ magnus6699 is actually cooler than Tubby @ trwtt and yet Tubby has a higher role than Magnus, Magnus is below admin and Tubby is a @ MASTERS or @ Elves; that just aint right type shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. Should we demote Dora @ pleeeesh for promoting Waffles @ 2dwafflez to @ Captains, what do the @ GODS think? Have you not seen my articles where i talk about the thousands of quests as mentioned on my websites and blogs and videos all over the Internet, all the Discord Demands, all of these things that I want, the Oatmeal Projects and everything? Ask the @ GODS about all of this. I did not say demoting was a joke, I said Waffle is a joke, demoting is to punish a weirdo. Magnus was spamming on my tiktok for months and would not stop, Magnus continues to lie about this to this day to everybody, that is why Magnus should be below admin for being a lunatic. So it goes Tubby, Magnus, Turbo, even as all three suck. Lucas might be better than those three unless if Lucas is like an alt or something. I think in shades of oatmeal. I tried documenting the problems of Turbo on my Twitter and blogs for months, too bad nobody reads my blogs to see what I said. Darth Loner @ kwadd., why did you promote @ d1llberry who promoted the wrong people? it is hard to have color roles and also an hierarchy at the same time, it is very tricky. But if you used a lot of thinking when promoting, others might forgive you or something and perhaps we can also try to remedy the situation via demoting or whatever else, it is that simple; the problem is many people in this server promote and demote without thinking; people like you do think which means we could choose not to hold you responsible for the actions of those you promote; it's like an exception to the rule kind of thing. I said like a billion things and everything I say is connected and linked to billions of other things I said like a cryptic puzzle of paradoxes that must be decoded, I said promote and demote which in math is 0+1-1=0 which means the two terms cancel each other out leading you back to where you started meaning what I said was almost nothing on purpose in order to bring out dumb people like Waffle to show their ugly faces for the world to see meaning you fell for my Yu-Gi-Oh! trap card. Yeah we can choose to let it slide for people we know like you and loner and maybe a few other people who are not too anonymous and stuff. 12:06 PM: @ Kittens must follow their @ Cats. # Waffle is right, this server almost had 2500 members and now has 2391 members within only a few days.

08:38 PM
@ GODS, @ allianaollisari, @ d1llberry, @ tonka_bee, @ mushroomjish, Darth Loner @ kwadd., @ roymerrick, @ yvule, @ bigweaniemeanie, @ chuppylord, my advice is to try to keep things fair and balance; it's two-folded or two main options: First option could be to try to demote people for a variety of reasons to make things more fair depending on several factors. Second option might be to promote people up especially to level the playing field. For example, if @liamcallaghan_ should not be @GODS, perhaps demote fun guy to @Welders which is one level or role down. Second option and example would to promote Lera and others to gods or higher to balance things out. In other words, say you have Good Man and Bad Man. If Bad Man is already gods. Then promote Good Man to gods. To balance things out and make it more fair. Bad Man should not be higher than Good Man
Good Man should not be lower than Bad Man. Too often bad people are promoted above better people mostly because people end up promoting and demoting the wrong people. So to fix this, either demote the bad people at least to the same level as the good people or lower. Lera is probably better than many people. I have given my opinions on who I think are better and worse in the server. I also wanted people to promote and demote whoever they wanted like at least to an extent and I know it is all a tricky thing with many moving variables and factors that can be so grey or too gray and stuff. Play it by ear, make it up as you go, have fun, correct mistakes when you can, have fun, and type shiiiiii. My advice is to focus more on who to promote as opposed to who to demote The difference between the two is that of perspective; it is sort of like is your cup half empty or half full; perspective guides how we look at life and how we do things. Sometimes when a person like Tubby @trwtt was promoted to say @ GODS say for example. Then I would sometimes like try to promote somebody else to @GODS to balance it out as there are many people who are better than Tubby. But because people like Tubby were promoted too high. Then I would sometimes feel like I would have to promote other people to @ Captains or whatever roles that were higher than the bad people. Outside of that, another option would be to try to demote people who are too high and people who promote the wrong people too high. It is that simple. Yet that is too much for many people. All of this is often too hard to do for many people. This is why you should NOT be @ GODS and I would probably stopped pinging the @ GODS if they @ GODS did not mind it, I ping people to annoy people to show the world they are not fit to be @ GODS. @ GODS should always demote and never promote whenever you do not know who is who, it is that simple, if the @GODS and others are not sure what to do, either do nothing or perhaps demote because better safe than sorry; problem is too many people are too anonymous which means it might be Caddy's 57th alt account. Waffle does NOT have beef with me, I do not care, I am simply teaching the @ GODS how to see how stupid Waffles is. @ GODS: Every person who has this attitude should not become owner of this Oatmeal World Discord Server, I am looking for people who believe in themselves @ spookierl2 talks like a loser who is depending on me to go viral on TikTok to get people to join this server. That is a wrong perspective and attitude. Potential owners are people who bring more traffic to this server than I can.

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2013-11-17 - Sunday - HOLA FAV - Got Talent 2 - 1456791_536788599749435_806329642_n.jpg
My Adventure in Vietnam

Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

Here is a list of what I'm watching

08:05 AM
Tucker Carlson - Alex Jones & Jack Posobiec: The Trump Bounty, Oprah & Diddy, and Why War Makes Kamala Happy

10:40 AM
'Dancing With the Stars' Celeb Reginald VelJohnson (Family Matters) Reveals If 'Die Hard' is a Christmas Movie

08:05 PM
Tucker Carlson - Roseanne Barr: Gender Ideology, Why She Terrifies Hollywood, and Her Friendship With Trump

Timestamps generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted. Welcome to myOatmeal Daily which is generally posted & syndicated daily by me, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, feel free to mirror, edit, clip, reupload my content. For more information, see some of the links on this page or you can try to Google search or look me up using keywords like Oatmeal Joey Arnold @ joeyarnoldvn and other keywords. Try using different combinations of words in search engines for better results. Bed 11:00 PM yesterday. Less than like 9 hours of sleep. I got up at 07:35 AM. Breakfast: 08:00 AM. Around 40 minutes publishing my daily blog for Tuesday. It took extra time as I was finishing up writing it out which I usually have finished during the day. Lunch: skipped. I drove Rick and Maria in the car to Olympia at or after around 12:10 PM. Rick was going to do a drug test thing for a new job he was doing in like Tulsa or whatever in Oklahoma for the next few months till like February 2025 or whatever. These are usually the several months each year they are in America since like 2018 or longer that they been doing ministry like full-time there. So they come to the states to raise money and work and family and stuff. So Rick was off to do that around like 02:00 PM. It can take around 30 minutes to drive from Shelton to Olympia. So we may have left closer to like 01:00 PM or earlier. We made it to Olympia probably after 01:30 PM. See photo timestamps for exact times. They were giving me advice today about driving same as previous days. I did speed up at one intersection with a green arrow as I was turning left. As it turned yellow, I sped up to make it before it turned red. Rick drove off to do his test. We stayed at the Capital Mall for almost an hour. Rick got back. Macy's. JC Penney. Best Buy. I looked at electronics. We looked at like a toaster oven or something similar. We talked about that. We went to a Thai restaurant for dinner around 04:00 PM or whatever. We walked around. Arcade. Ball roll into holes game. Actual basketballs into hoops game. Me and Rick played a shooting safari game which was fun. After that, we went to Tumwater to a water place. An old bridge. We saw fish jumping. We went to Safeway in that city. We got home around 07:30 PM. I brought a pack of bottled water in from the truck. Back into my room around like 07:50 PM. Food log: Breakfast: coffee, 08:00 AM. Pineapple or whatever it was juice and an orange, 10:00 AM. Yogurt, 10:43 AM. Lunch: skipped. Dinner: at a Thai restaurant, rice with chicken, an egg roll or something, the food was great, hot sauce, soy sauce, around 04:00 PM or whatever.

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